I sent a tip to Threads magazine a while ago. They published it in the November issue. Page 14, with the title "Prevent Runaway Beads".
If you know something that makes your sewing easier or better, send an email to Threads. If they like it, they will send you $25.00 and include it in their magazine.
3 months ago
12 Talk to me:
Congratulations, are you buying fabric with your winnings?
Very cool!
How nice for you--and us, too!!
Soft hug,
Rhonda in Montreal (PR)
Hey! way to go, Gwen. And I knew you when. (you were $25 poorer). I'm going to pull that issue and see what you wrote. Cool!
How nice!
Way to go Lady!!!!
Congratulations! I will have to look it up soon. And I really like your jacket from the last post, nice, easy, flattering!
That's awesome. Congratulations. I'll be sure and read it since I have a subscription to threads.
Woo-hoo!!!! Congratulations!
How cool is that! Congratulations!
Good one!
That's sew kewl! Congratulations!
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