I belong to several sewing-related clubs. I love getting together with like-minded people. I always come away inspired and eager.
Tuesday, I went to my first meeting of Needlework and Textile Guild of Michigan. It's mission statement is to "foster the art of needle work, with special emphasis on work done with a needle with an eye and related disciplines, with an eye to encourage high standards of design and technique and to bring together members who shall learn, share, teach and participate to the fullest extent in this endeavor.
That's a pretty heavy statement!
In the morning, there was a lecture by a lady from a university, who works in the drama department, teaches costume design, and heads that department. She had a slide show and samples of things such as masks, armor, etc., and talked about how to make the bases of costumes out of non-traditional materials. Very interesting.
In the afternoon, there was a knitting workshop by one of the members, who sells her work in boutiques. The project is a shawl, very simple knitting, but done with a variety of weights of yarn and mixing fibers. It forces creativity, not having a set of rules to follow. Just pick up some yarn and knit. Mix it up.
My shawl is looking really crazy. I have yellow, light teal and dark teal textured yarns, and throwing in eyelash in different sizes, and some sequined yarns.
I had a wonderful time. I'm looking forward to next month, when Christine Reilly will be there for a 2-day workshop. We will be making a beaded evening bag.
Fall brings wonderful things!
3 months ago
7 Talk to me:
Hey, that shawl idea has peaked my interest. Please show us some photos as you progress. Kinda "freeform" it sounds like!
The beaded evening bag sounds good.
Can't wait to see the shawl you are making. I know it will be special.
Those classes/meetings sound like so much fun. Wish that I could join in!
For a gal who lives on an island, you sure to get around!! Wish we had these sort of things in Montreal!! (HEY, we're on an island, too!!)
Soft hug,
Rhonda in Montreal (PR)
Oh how nice a beaded evening bag. Can't wait to see it. I joined a textile arts group in my community but I did not fit in - everyone else was seriously serious - their source of textiles was from their own livestock!
I would have loved the costume workshop. That's sounds like something that is right down my alley! I've always thought designing and sewing for the community theatre in the town where we used to live would be fun. I could still look into that because it's only 10 miles down the road. However time is an issue.
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