The project I want to use these techniques on is this cute coat--McCall 5480. Here it is:

The coat has large buttons, which is why the need for the bound butonholes. It also has applied welt pockets. The pattern directions for the pocket are sparse and useless. I used these books for instruction for the buttonholes and pockets:

I found a lot of information on the Internet also--Sigrid's Sewing Tutorials. Thanks to those of you who post such detailed instructions.
I've made bound buttonholes until I can do them in my sleep, and honestly--they look pretty good! Today, I had a "lightbulb moment" in regard to the applied welt pockets. They still need some tweaking, but I have the idea now. Here's one of my tests:
Maybe I'll work on them tonight. DH is going to band practice tonight, so I'll have a few hours of alone time to think about what I'm trying to do.
2 Talk to me:
I love welt pockets and bound buttonholes. I put them (bound buttonholes) on almost every jacket I make, and that's exactly the right way to learn how to do them, till you can do them in your sleep :) Well done on yours.
I love bound button holes and welt pockets too. I don't make them much since I mostly sew for children. I just found your blog and love it.
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