Saturday night, my daughter and her husband invited both sets of parents to their home for a "Wii" party. It was a lot of fun. What better way to spend a cold, rainy evening than with family and good food.
I surprised my daughter with this jacket:
The fabric is a red cotton twill, ordered from Hancocks. It's top-stitched with white thread, doubled in one needle. This anorak has a casing above the waist. It's tied with white cording. The collar also has a casing around the outer edge, with cording. Cord locks on the ends.
Here's the back.
As I was cutting the coat, I knew that the fabric wasn't as beefy as I wanted. I went to my stash in search of an underlining.
I had a wild cotton print--by Alexander Henry-and decided on that. Underlining the coat made it a good weight, plus reduces wrinkling. This is the underlining: 
I made this coat for myself last fall in navy blue, but I want this red one. It's on the queue.
I started tracing the pattern for the spring coat. I got derailed the last few days with starting this blog and learning a new camera, and didn't get as far on that pattern as I would have liked. As Gilda Radner said, "It's always something". Dontcha know it?
6 Talk to me:
Omigosh, what a darling anorak. Love the red, the topstitching and the lining. Very cute!
That coat is lovely!
That coat is wonderful!!! I am truly amazed at your talent. You could easily make little boys clothes. How old are your grandsons?
Great coat, Gwen! You're daughter must've been thrilled! Lucky girl...
Thank you all. This coat was not difficult to make. It's basic sewing skills, and there's no fitting issues. The best part of it was- I loved making it for my daughter.
That coat looks like it's right out of Lands End! What a great job.
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