Hello Blogger Friends,
If anybody can help, I know it is the people in this group. My mom was associated with some very talented people so I'm coming to you for help.
We are trying to dye some boys football pants pink for the 'Pink Out' game that raises money for breast cancer awareness. These are young men starting at age 7 up through high school that are willing to wear pink uniforms to support his cause. So far the pants are not retaining the dye, it just runs off. They are 92% nylon and must have some type of stain repellant on them. We've tried acid dye, RIT dye and hot wash dye bath. So far nothing has worked.
We need these pants pink by Tuesday. Please tell me you have something else we can try.
Thank you in advance for any advice you have to offer.
Thank you!!
2 months ago
101 Talk to me:
Spray paint?
I remember hearing that adding table salt to the dye bath helps set the color. Not sure, and can't remember where I got that from.
Try Dylon dyes. You can get them at Joanns. I believe they are specific ally for synthetics. Someone correct me here if I am wrong. It should say right on the package.
Use acid dyes. They also dye wool. You can use vinegar for the acid, so it's not scary.
I don't know where you live, but the product called "iDye" might be available in your area. iDye makes a dye for synthetic fibres. It might be just the right thing for your project. Good luck.
I had that problem with some polyester chiffon. After dying with rit dye, it just rinsed out with water. iDye WORKS. I used the iDye and boiled the fabric in it. The stubborn fabric took the color beautifully. Call around to fabric stores to see if they have it. Or go to Dharma Trading .com and see if they will send it overnight.
Make sure it is iDye for synthetics.
Overnighted from dharma already. Worse than RIT. I think it's the scotch guard or Teflon on them. I need to break that down. 😞
Paula Burch of is my fount-of-all-knowlege and she suggests that if your nylon is teflon coated,you just can't.If you are desperate to try again,you could do a sample with a disperse dye painted on to some paper(eg litho paper) and then ironed on,or a fabric paint.But I suspect that some cheap pants in another fabric may be the solution.
I don't have any advice for the dye, but I see others do. How nice to see a posting from the blog as your mom was a font of information and I always enjoyed reading her posts.
I know nothing about dying but I do know that if I was a new red t shirt accidentally with anything white, synthetic or cotton, it turns pink!
"They are 92% nylon and must have some type of stain repellant on them."
I suspect you are right. You need to use textile aka dyers' detergent to remove the fabric finish so that the dye will take.
Post again and let us know how things turned out! We are breathlessly waiting. And thanks for keeping your mom's blog open. I can return here for all this wonderful information she published when I need help or ideas.
Colette - I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. I have not been following my blogs for the last couple of years due to work. I always enjoyed reading her blog and the comments she would make on mine.
Have you already gotten rid of all of her sewing things? I was looking for a certain pattern in particular that I know that she had called Cutting Line Designs Pure and Simple Shell. If you should happen to still have it I would be willing to buy it from you.
Again, I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. She was a sweet lady.
Colette - I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. I have not been following my blogs for the last couple of years due to work. I always enjoyed reading her blog and the comments she would make on mine.
Have you already gotten rid of all of her sewing things? I was looking for a certain pattern in particular that I know that she had called Cutting Line Designs Pure and Simple Shell. If you should happen to still have it I would be willing to buy it from you.
Again, I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. She was a sweet lady.
I think you're going to have to use fabric paint (or maybe even some sort of high adhesion spray paint like Krylon) - it's pretty much impossible to dye those sorts of athletic fabrics.
I'm so sad to not help you anything in this event. I wish you can receive many help and success on this work.
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سيدتي انتي تحتاجين في حياتك الى الاستمتاع بها داخل منزلك هذا المنزل الذي يطلب منك الاهتمام والاعتناء به
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