--the March issue:
is mine!!! This is the jacket with bias strip insertion panels.
And whose beautiful jacket is on the page right beside me? Ms.Rhonda Buss!
What a fun Christmas present this is. Thank you Threads.
3 months ago
36 Talk to me:
Gwen - I saw that and thought how wonderful it was for you to have your garment featured! Merry Christmas!
Yay Gwen! It's so nice to see my sewing friends published.
Woot Woot!! Congrats on having that fabulous jacket featured in Threads.
Merry Christmas!!
Gorgeous jacket, congrats on the feature in Threads.
Congratulations! What an honor! I can't think of anyone more deserving!
Very well deserved Gwen!!!
Congratulations. How nice to have this beatiful jacket featured in Threads.
Well done you! The jacket looks fabulous. I am dead impressed.
Merry Christmas!
Congratulations! I try to get hold of Threads when I can; I'll definitely spring for the March issue. Go you!
Hey Gwen, I got my copy yesterday in the mail and had a minute to quick glance between cooking and Christmas prep. As soon as I saw that jacket I knew it was yours. Congrats! I feel like I 'know" a star!!!!! Beautiful.
Gwen, your jacket is gorgeous. I haven't seen my Threads issue yet, but I'm looking forward to reading about your creation
Thank you so much for nominating me for the blogging award. I am very flattered by, and appreciative of, your recognition. I am in the process of writing a blog post in response--hopefully I'll get it posted tonight or tomorrow
I swear to you, without even looking at the name of the designer - I thought about you when I first saw the jacket! Wonderful design! It's so nice to know someone famous!
Congratulations! That jacket definitely deserves to be see by such a wide audience.
What a wonderful Christmas present :)
CarlaF- in Atlanta
Congratulations and what an awesome holiday gift.
Congratulations, Gwen! This is a well deserved accolade.
Wow! It`s a very special jacket, very pretty! Congratulations!
I just saw that and recalled that you made mention on a previous post. Congratulations - how exciting and it looks so beautiful. Thrilling !
I cannot wait for my subcritical to start
This is a fantastic accomplishment - congratulations!
As soon as I downloaded mine, this is the first page I visited, gorgeous jacket and congratulations.
Congratulations! Your jacket is beautiful and so worthy to be on the pages of Threads. A wonderful Christmas present indeed!
The detail on this jacket is devine! Congrats on being published!!!
Yay Mommy!!
Congratulations, the details on your jacket is beautiful!
I recognized your jacket in Threads immediately!
Way COOL, Gwen! Congratulations!
Congratulations - how awesome! I'm proud to "know" you!
I am so excited for you! Off to buy the issue today. Your work is exquisite and definitely belongs in a issue. Hope your health is good. Happy New Year!
Wow! Congratulations! That is SO awesome! :)
BTW, I have some small good news for you on my blog... ;)
Happy New Year,
Congratulations! Threads magazine, a great accomplishment! The jacket is beautiful.
Congratulations! You surely deserved the honor for your beautiful work. Bask in it!
Such a beautiful jacket! I'll definitely be getting this issue :)
Yaay Gwen! I'm so happy for you! I haven't gotten my issue of Threads yet. I can't wait to see it.
Congratulations! That was a great Christmas present!
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