I've had a great time working on this bag. The embellishments are sewn on and I'm adding a few beads. Gotta have a little bling! Next, I have to decide on how to trim the upper edge. I'm thinking a knitted or crocheted ruffle. Here is what it looks like, all the way around at this point.
Yes, it is totally gaudy, but it's supposed to be. I love looking at it. It may just take it's place somewhere in my home as a piece of art. Because it makes me happy!
Now to figure out the trim for the top. Just in case there isn't enough fru-fru on it!
Happy Weekend
3 months ago
6 Talk to me:
Gwen, I love it and what great color choices. That bit of blue is just perfect. Can't wait to see it all done. I have a box full of felted scraps that would be perfect for something like this.
It is an interesting piece of art. Can't wait to see it completed with the trim on the top.
Its really coming along ! These bags always take me to my "happy place"
What a fun, fun project!
It's beautiful and I like your idea of keeping it at home as art. No risk of getting it dirty using it as a purse. Make sure you bring this for the NTGM Creativity show in June.
This is an amazingly fun and cute bag Gwen! No wonder it makes you happy.
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