Seems like just about the time I get going, something happens to knock me down. I started having excruciating abdomen pain and nausea. I just went to bed, thinking it was a stomach virus. But it got so bad, I had to go the ER. A scan determined there was a blockage of the intestine. Had I stayed at home, I may have been spinning clouds into silk about now.
I fought like hell , while an NG tube was thrust up my nose and down into my stomach. You medical types know it's a lousy way to spend your time. Doesn't feel so good either. Four days, I laid with that tube pumping my stomach. As if that weren't bad enough, my heart decided to have a party. I have A-Fib, and the trauma of everything caused those heart issues to resurface.
A week later, I am home, and resting. Tired. Weak. But I will get better. I have several Dr visits coming up. My cardiologist wants to do another workup on me, and I'll see my family Dr. this week. This issue had been going on for a while, and I was ignoring it. I was lucky this time.
Sewing? Probably not for a few days. But I can catch up on my blogs and magazines and books while I recuperate.
Pay attention to your pain. It's trying to tell you something.
3 months ago
39 Talk to me:
How awful and terrifying! I hope you are feeling much, much better now. Take care and be well.
Oh my goodness, Gwen <3
Yes, pay attention to you and feel better!!
Soft virtual hug,
Ohh my sorry to hear this, but glad to know you are on the mend.
We can ignore it for a while but eventually the body makes itself known ! So glad to hear you're on the mend. Take care of yourself *hugs*
So sorry to hear of the crisis, but so glad to hear that you are home and resting now. Wishing you a speedy recovery!
Holy cow! That scared the heck out of me just reading your post. I can imagine you were pretty terrified actually going through it. I am so glad your story has a happy ending!! Rest and get well.
I know all about that tube down your nose for the stomach pumping - no fun at all. Please take care of yourself and hurry and get better.
Damn Gwen, you keep your doctors hopping, woman! My mom developed afib while she was hospitalized for something else and it settled down as soon as she recovered. Hope yours goes the same way, and sorry to hear about all that. Hope you get a stretch of good health soon - you're overdue.
I'm so sorry, Gwen! It does sound pretty amazing that you got through this. I hope your healing is swift and that you are stronger than ever!
Oh, my! I'm so sorry for the trauma that you went through, but so glad that you made it through and are on the road to recovery. Rest well!
"Pay attention to your pain. It's trying to tell you something."
I'm going to chew on that for a few days while I work and sew...
I'm so sorry to hear about that. I hope you're feeling better soon!
So glad you went to the ER when you did! I hope you recover quickly.
Oh, Gwen! How awful! I am glad that you are on the mend and that you will be OK. It must have been terrifying. Get lots of rest.
Awww, Gwen, I'm so sorry. I had so hoped you'd have your eyes fixed and be bouncing around spreading good will and cheer by now. Yes, pain does mean something. So glad you didn't ignore it too long! Glad you're recuperating and I (as well as all your friends, I'm sure) will be sending healing thoughts your way.
Oh no, I am so glad you finally went to the hospital. Please take care of yourself~!
Oh, my how awuful, please take care of yourself. Thinking of you while you heal.
How difficult for you. I am so glad that you listened to your body and got the appropriate treatment. Hope everything turns out OK with the ticker. Thoughts and prayers to you. Take care.
Wow, Gwen, that sounds like a terrifying ordeal. I am so glad you are resting and feeling well enough to post. Take care!
Ah, Gwen, what a horrible experience! I'm so glad you're over the worst part. THANK YOU for reminding me that I need to pay attention to the many times do I have to hear that!
Gwen, I am so glad you are ok! This sounds horrendous. Take care of your self and don't rush to get better, let nature take its time and get your rest.
Gwen--take good care of yourself! Rest and recover, please!
Lynda in LV
Glad you are back home, my prayers are with you.
Oh Gwen, I'm SO sorry to hear of this happening to you. Rest and recover!! Feel better soon! :)
You know I'm sending healing thoughts your way!!!
Gwen, take good care of yourself. You seem to have gone through a lot in the past while. Hope you will be normal again in a very short time.
Oh Gwen, that had to be scary as well as painful! I am glad you are recovering. I hear your message loud and clear!
Gwen, so sorry to hear all that has been going on and thankfully you are on the mend. Take care of yourself and maybe no sewing, but planning can be quite a lot of fun.
OMG I m glad to know you are better. Take care.
Feel better soon!
Oh my goodness, what a tough time you have had of late. So glad you are home recuperating. Take it easy, and I'll be keeping you in my prayers.
My poor husband dealt with this at the end of January. Same scenario. He's fine now but they still don't know what caused the blockage. However, if it's any encouragement to you, he's 77 and back to his full schedule of walking for an hour every day and working in his shop and his yard.
Ouch! What an ordeal. Glad you are on the mend! Take good care of yourself!
Oh my goodness, I'm so glad you went to the ER! Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Oh my Gwen! What an ordeal. I'm so glad you got it checked it! Take care of yourself and I'll keep you in my prayers.
Hi there! Sure hope you are feeling better. I'll be thinking of you and hope to see you soon.
Oh Gwen, what a shock! Sending lots of good wishes and prayers your way.
This news is horrible, but it could have been worse, right? Thank goodness for skilled ER doctors. Take care of yourself and dream of sewing in the future. :)
I am glad to hear you are home and recuperating. Please take care of yourself.
Oh Gwen, I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. Been there, done that. Mine turned out to be Crohns and I had to have some intestine removed. I fought the tube but they put it in while I was in surgery. Hated that thing.
Be extra nice to yourself and find a good gastrointestinal doctor who listens to you when you talk. My first one would walk out of the room telling me what my symptoms were.
Linda T
I just read your post and hope you are feeling much better by now. Take care!
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