- My MIL's funeral was this week
- It's ok. She was 98. It was time.
- I wore her black hat to the funeral.
- I love it.
- Why don't people wear hats anymore?
- Sewing workshops are fun.
- Also, intimidating.
- My Smart Phone isn't so smart.
- It forgets to receive my email.
- Back to the repair shop.
- Again.
- Why do we need this stuff anyway?
- I love Dorothy's outfits on "Golden Girls".
- I AM a "Golden Girl" now.
- Sigh
3 months ago
24 Talk to me:
So sorry to hear of your MIL's passing. Even when you know it is time, it is still difficult. I hope life allows you some sewing time if you want it!
Lynda in LV
You're not a Golden Girl - you're a fiery Copper Cutie!!
Sympathies for your MIL's passing. Losing a loved one is always difficult, no matter what their age.
Gwen,so sorry to hear of your MIL's passing. A golden Girl? A beautiful and inspirational one at that! On the subject of hats- I love them and wear year 'round. The hat collection is about as bad as the fabric. sigh LOL
Sympathies and healing hugs. What a wonderful tribute wearing her hat was.
I always loved Dorothy's clothes too but I am way too short and wide for them. I like what Debbie says--Fiery Copper Cutie!
Can't wait to read about the workshops.
Been thinking of you lately. Sorry that you have not had the time to sew, Gwen. I'm sure the stash and threads will be happy to see you soon. My condolences to your family.
So sorry for your loss. You might be a Golden Girl but you are fierce!
Sorry for your loss. Hopefully you can get back to sewing soon!
So sorry to hear about your MIL, loss at any age is hard. You are no way a Golden Girl
My condolences to you and family, sorry for your loss.
Can't wait to hear about the workshops!
Golden Girl...well gold it pretty valuable! :-)
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss, Gwen. I can't picture you as a Golden Girl either. How about what my friend Gigi calls herself, "gorgeous Grandma"? You still have two Gs.
My condolences on your MIL's death. Hope your hubby is doing ok. Luckily sewing helps sooth the mind and heart.
Linda T
My condolences to you and your family on the passing of your Mother in law.
Hi Gwen,
Glad to see your post -- my condolences on your mother in law. It's hard at any age, but it is some consolation when there is a long full life. Glad you got in a couple of workshops in the middle of life's stresses.
Sorry to hear of your loss. I'm sending warm thoughts your way.
Looking forward to hearing about your intimidating workshops!!
Oh my, I am so sorry to read of your MIL's passing. Mom #2, my favorite Aunt died Sep 1. Maybe we can give each other hugs and help each through our losses. I assure you of...
My deeply heartfelt sumpathy
I am so sorry, Gwen. But, wow, what a long life!
Gwen, so sorry for your loss. And I agree that hats need a come back! I am glad that you wore your mil'shat. How special!
I am sorry to hear of your loss. Sending you a warm aloha.
Sorry about your MIL, but I agree with you about hats. My sister and I wore hats to our brother's wedding....no, we were not IN the wedding, so we were sort of protesting by wearing hats. (I'm SURE they got the message.)
I am sorry to hear about the loss of your MIL. I LOVE the Golden Girls.
I wear hats. I must own a dozen of them. Other peoples' loss, I guess. To complete a stylish outfit, one must wear a hat. Otherwise, you're not completely dressed.
Particularly, I think it's disrespectful to go to church without a hat on. And I'd never go to a funeral without a hat.
I agree with every one of your "Meanwhile" points. Except the Smart Phone. I already know that I'm too dumb to own one, & I'm happy about it ;-).
My Mum is 96, & very likely will not make it to 98, so I feel close to the issue there - many blessings to you & your family, and to your MIL on this next stage in her journey....
I am sorry for your loss, Gwen!
Sorry to hear of your mother in law's passing, I hope you and your husband can look back on good memories of her. I think wearing her black hat to her funeral is a nice touch - and yes, hats are great!
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