Thank you daughter, for fixing my Blogger account! She had to do a lot of finagling to get rid of my hacker, but my Google account is now back in my possession! Thanks to those who responded to my "desperate" post, also. It's not fun to have your privacy invaded.
I'm working on this Vogue jacket, slowly, but nonetheless, making progress.
I made bound buttonholes, all of them turning out well. I was singing a happy tune at this point.
I wanted a 3/4 length sleeve with turned up cuffs. This is where I got stupid. When I shortened the sleeve, I shortened it wayyyy too much! There wasn't enough fabric to cut new sleeves, of course. What to do? I added a piece to the sleeves at the bottom. See the seam?
I made a muslin of the cuff, and pinned it on the sleeve. It is a 3" deep cuff, and covers the offending seam. There will be a facing, turned to the inside.
"All's well that ends well"! For the jacket, and my blog issue!
2 months ago
16 Talk to me:
How wonderful your daughter was able to help! I wouldn't know what to do either. It must have been very distressing.
You sleeve solution is clever. I am looking forward to seeing your finished jacket.
Glad your daughter was able to resolve your issues - and that was scary there for a minute! I'm loving what you are doing with that Vogue jacket. I love my version of it and I think yours is going to be even more special!
I'm so glad you're back in control - what a nice, clever daughter you have! Love your buttonholes.
That was a clever solution to your too short sleeve problem. I am looking forward to seeing the finished jacket
That happened to me once with my ebay account and I felt like throwing up! It feels like someone has come into your home and stolen from you! So glad it got worked out and can't wait to see your fab coat!
Good save and what would we do without our tech savvy kids? My ds has saved my sanity many a time.
Glad that all worked out well - blog-wise and sleeve-wise. I always tell myself that any mistake that can be fixed is a "design element". Love your buttonholes!
These is looking beautifully tailored from my vantage point. Do you know how many times I have added on "sleeve"?
I have grown suspicious of the Very Easy Vogue line because it is usually not a piece of cake. It is a cool looking design though. Can't wait to hear from you about what it was like to sew, was is very easy?, and to see the finished jacket.
I made this jacket and it was great. I can't wait to see your version. I used snaps for my closure and sewed the large buttons on the front of the jacket. This was a easy sew and I'll be making another version in light weight denim probably without a lining.
Glad you solved your issues. Jacket looks great so far.
Love the jacket pattern! And that is a great solution for the sleeve. How many of us have taken that wrong snip!?!
These hackers are getting more and more invasive. I think it is the economy. The one good thing about the lousy economy is you can blame so much on it.
Linda T
I'm so glad that your daughter helped you about the blog issue. Your jacket is looking good!
Awesome buttonholes! And what a great save on those sleeves! Glad the blog issues got worked out.
Your jacket is turning out lovely!! Great buttonholes and love how you saved the sleeves. Good job!!
This looks like a great save. Can't wait to see the finished jacket - it is looking great so far!
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