You know--it pours. Every time.
It started a couple of weeks ago. My BIL died-not totally unexpected. Still--. The same week, my 96 year old MIL had a heart attack from the stress of it. All of my husbands family lives about 60 miles away. So, there was the running back and forth to his relatives for all that going on.
During that time, my husband pulled a muscle in his back-major pull. He could barely get up and down, but still we had to take care of family stuff and go to the chiropractor. I had to do all the driving, and he swore that I hit every pot-hole in the road twice and purposely slammed on the brakes whenever I came to a stop.
Just about the time all of that got straightened out, I started feeling lousy. Got a sore throat, followed by what I thought was a cold. For days, I got progressively worse. It started feeling like something other than a cold and lingering too long. Today I went to the Dr. to find out I have pneumonia and bronchitis. I came home with a handfull of prescriptions that will either make me feel better or kill me, one or the other! My chest and back hurt terribly, especially when I sit up, but laying down brings on a coughing jag that won't quit.
I had just recently signed up at Weight Watchers. So, it figures that when I'm supposed to be ramping up my exercise and counting my food, I get sick and can't exercise for sure, much less think about "points" and such. I haven't felt like eating anyway, and I should have taken that clue earlier! Although I'm barely able to eat anything, I'm taking steroids and you know what that does to your body! I'll probably plump up like a whale! And to cap things off, while I'm sitting here, all schlumpy and miserable, the rest of my clan are out celebrating my daughter's birthday. They're eating cake and ice cream while I take steroids and gain weight. Go figure!
I did join a terrific club called Needlework and Textile Guild of Michigan. They meet once a month, from September to June. That guild has some great workshops planned. In October, there will be a 2-day workshop with beader extraordinaire, Chris Reilly. I'm talking beading on fabric. She will be teaching a beaded evening bag. Then, there's the American Sewing Expo. I'm taking a workshop with a friend and shopping, of course.
I've been looking online at the new fall patterns emerging. Since I can't sew, I've got that bug in me as well as the others!
I will sew again. Someday.
3 months ago
23 Talk to me:
Gwen, so sorry you are feeling so bad and have so much going on in your life. Take care of yourself and you will feel like sewing soon.
You can't seem to get a break lately. Hopefully the next while will bring positive events. Hope you feel better soon.
I'm so sorry that all of this has happened to you. Please get well soon!
Oh dear, I was going to say "when it rains", but you already said that one. I am sorry about all of the bad things happening in your family. Wish I was not all the way across the U.S. from you, I would take care of you and your Mr.
Take care of yourself and get your rest and fluids. Weight Watchers can wait, don't even think about them right now.
Take care of yourself that you can then take care of all else. Sewing can wait,life comes first!!! Take care.
Gwen, Gwen, Gwen - you've had such a lousy chain of events enter your life lately. So sorry. Like others have said, take care of yourself--keep that your top priority right now. When you get well, the other things can be addressed!
oh my goodness....So sorry to hear what has been happening. I wish for you and your husband (and MIL) to have a quick recovery and the rest will fall into place. Take Care.
Sorry to hear of all you are going through. I hope & pray you all will feel better soon. Take care!
Gwen, I am so very sorry for all of the trials that you and your family have been going through and that you are sick on top of that. I will pray that God heals your husband's back, your pneumonia and your mother-in-law and that some good times are around the corner.
Gwen...sorry to hear about the life events you are going through right now. I'll be praying for you and your family.
Gwen, I'm so sorry to hear about your troubles. There's an old blues song I play when I hit a rough patch. The lyrics are "Trouble in mind and I'm blue. But I won't be blue always. Sun's gonna shine in my back door some day." I'm sending some good thoughts to Michagan with your name on them!
Gwen, it sounds like you are having a hurricane, not just rain. Take care of yourself - everything else can wait.
Gwen, you have a lot to deal with and I'm sure the stress of everything has caught up with you. Rest, rest, rest for now and think about all of the wonderful projects you'll work on when you recover! You and your family are in my thoughts --- take care.
All my best wishes for you and your family. Get well soon! And use your rest to dream up some wonderful garments you'll sew when you are (and life is) better!
I hope you feel better soon. My best wishes are with you/your loved ones.
So sorry to hear that, but you know what they say, it happens in 3's, so your rain should be ending now. You won't blow up, just make sure to eat healthy while you are on the steriods and take a day when you are feeling better to get out with your daughter. Hugs. Kim
Sending good thoughts for a speedy recovery your way.
Gwen, please get better fast!!!
Gwen...take care of yourself...
I am sorry to hear about all the terrible stuff that has happened lately. I am hoping that you will feel better soon and for now just take one day at a time. You've been through a lot.
Thanks for stopping by my blog! Sorry your health is so lousy right now. Things will get better. Being so sick you can't even sew is the worst!
Keeping you and your family in my prayers. The sewing will be there for you when you are better and ready for it!
Oh Gwen! That sounds awful!! Tell you what. Make some sugar free jello or pudding with fat free or sugar-free Cool Whip and peruse every online fabric store you can as well as looking at patterns. That way you can forget about the WW thing and still eat healthy and attempt to forget your illnesses by thinking about all things sewing :) . I hope you start feeling better soon. Prednisone can be nasty stuff sometimes.
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