http://catsandcalico.blogspot.com/ awarded the "Lovely Blog Award". Thank you so much. The rules, as follows, are to pass it on to bloggers new to your list.
Rules: 1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link.2) Pass the award on to 5 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
To you, the "new kids on my blog" list, I pass this award:
I'm working on the muslin for my daughter's jacket. I've been on a hunt for red suiting. Thought I found it at fabric.com, but it was sold out. Bummer! I found a red poly/rayon blend at hancocks.com and ordered it. It's a guessing game, since I didn't order a swatch beforehand. It sounds like it should have a bit of drape to it, which I need for the jacket. We'll see.
7 Talk to me:
You do have a lovely blog. You are a lovely person in more ways than one. Congratulations.
Great blog! Congratulations!
Thanks for the award!
Thanks for the award Gwen!!
Thanks for the award, Gwen!
That is very sweet. Thank you Gwen for your award and for your general support and enthusiasm!
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