Julia nominated me for the "Blogger Buddy Award". Thank you, Julia. I'm fairly new to blogging, and this is my first award. I shall treasure it.

And now, to pass it on to:
Lori who lives in a place close to where I grew up. Her outside photos bring back memories.
Kristine, who lives in the same state as me, and who I hope to meet one day.
Lindsay, who lives in a place I've always dreamed about.
Elaina, whose posts always make me laugh. Even when I'm having a bad day.
Shannon, who has awesome nail polish! Love her "Laquer Lundi" posts!
Debbie has a wonderful sense of humor about sewing and a lot of great techniques. She's not afraid to try anything.
Stacy is a busy mom, but most often takes the time to acknowledge a comment left on her blog.
Gwen, who shares my name and always posts the most interesting questions.
I could go on and on. You have made me feel welcome in this blogging community, even though I'm the old lady of the group. I'm looking forward to seeing more of what you all do best--sew!
7 Talk to me:
Hey, I'm just catching up after our trip. So sorry to hear of DH health problems. I understand your feeling of "loose ends" as in not being able to concentrate on sewing, etc. I've been there various times in my life due to life situations. As time and circumstances pass, I get back to the machine, and it helps me cope. I hope things even out soon for your and DH.
Awww, thanks Gwen! I someday hope to meet you, too! Maybe this summer at one of those sewing meetings you've mentioned...
Keep on smiling, you've made my day!
Thanks, Gwen! I'm honored to be a Blogger Buddy!
Aw, you're so sweet to think of me. I am honoured to be your blogger buddy!
Congratulations Gwen. The award is well deserved. enjoy.
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