1. Put the logo on your blog or post
2.Nominate a few bloggers that show an attitude of gratitude
3. Link to your nominees within your post
4. Comment on their blogs to let them know they've received this award
5. Share the love and link to this post and the person who nominated you for the award.
6. Tell us how you've come to have an attitude of gratitude
I could write a book about gratitude. Not here, though. Presently, I'm grateful that my husband is still with me though he's had and still has--serious illness. I'm grateful for my family and friends who have seen me through some rough times. Someone once said to me, "if you have your health, you are a millionaire". How true.
I'm passing this award on to:
Bethh at The Rusty Bobbin
Barbara of Sewing on the Edge.
Cindy of Colour by Number.
Beth, of Beebeepatische
Teri of Mermaids (and please Lord, let that be her name, because it isn't posted and if it's not her name, please forgive me)!
All of these people have posted something insightful about their lives, whether caring for a loved one, or posing questions that made me stop and think. They all have a story. If you've read their blogs, you know.
Have a wonderful Sunday everyone!
1 Talk to me:
Thank you so much. It always feels good to get an award! I will pass it on! Hope all is well with you.
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