In a recent issue of Sew News, and in the ASG newsletter, "Notions", there are links to websites that offer sewing videos. For a fee, and sometimes free, a video can be downloaded and viewed online. This seems to be growing in popularity.
I think it's a great idea. There are very little sewing shows on television. Nancy Zieman still appears on our local PBS early Saturday mornings. I understand that in different parts of the country, there are other sewing shows airing.
Just in case we don't get enough Internet--here's a list of streaming video to check out.
Sandra Betzina--has 3 shows for free. In addition, a subscription can be purchased as well as pay-per-view. See what she has to offer at
Linda MacPhee--a large selection of videos available for subscription or pay-per-view on her website
Sulky of thread fame has Kaye Wood quilting videos at
Nancy Zieman's PBS episodes are free at
Shirley Adams--if you don't know of this lady, well you're in for a pleasant surprise. I watched her sewing show called "Sewing Connection" many years ago. Her method is to take a TNT and make it tons of ways. She has a line of patterns called "Alternatives", which revolves around a basic pattern, and purchasing optional pieces to change the look of the garment. Jackets are her specialty. Her old shows can now be seen on Search for Shirley Adams and other sewing stars. Her webiste, featuring her patterns is
There is an online instruction website called Each day, there are selected videos to view for free.
I wonder if there's a video on time management? Cause that's what I need to take advantage of all those great shows!
3 months ago
11 Talk to me:
Thanks for all the tips on good videos. Now, I just have to find time to watch them.
Thank you, Gwen, for all the links for the videos. To add to your time management for videos, don't forget YouTube, type in sewing and you can find several there!!
Thank you, Gwen! That was so sweet of you to post all of those options! As for time management, if I spent less time reading sewing blogs, I'd get more done... but there just too enjoyable to give up!
Gwen this is great information! Thanks for sharing. I loved Shirley Adams's show and hated when she decided to retire her program. So stylish and creative.
Thank you for giving so much information on sewing videos.
Thanks for the information, these are great resources.
Yeah, thanks so much for sharing. Sometimes I can open things that I download, don't know what the problem is.
Thanks for your answer to my questions. I am going to buy that book today. You are so kind!
Thank you for the resources. The only sewing show I've seen is the Nancy Zieman one, which I have enjoyed. I'll definitely check out the other links --- it is always easier to see a technique demonstrated vs. reading about it (guess I'm a visual learner).
I just ordered the book. It should be here on Monday. I can't wait. Thank You. Do you ever email? My email address is on my profile.
Thank your for your input on my blouse plans. I'm excited about it and as soon as I look at a few more blogs, I'm going to get started on tracing it out. I classify you as a serious sewer, that is why I look in on you as often as possible. Learning experience you know.
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