Hello Blogger Friends, this is Gwen's daughter, Colette. I am broken hearted to say that I am posting the final thread for AllMySeams. Our Lord called my mom home last night after a long and grueling battle with Pulmonary Fibrosis.
If you've read her posts in the past you know that she and my dad bought a new home earlier this year and had been remodeling it. She had a beautiful vision for that home and I intend to finish it. I do not have her talent, but she made clear what she had in mind and I will find a way to get it done.
As you know, my mom was very creative with a great eye for color and accessories so I imagine that at this very moment His angels are getting some new garb with bling included.
I will leave her blog open for a week or so before shutting it down. Thank you to everyone who cyber-supported her through all her tough times the last few years. She truely appreciated everything you had to say.
Be in peace mom, and have fun! Bling it up!!
4 months ago
164 Talk to me:
My sympathy goes out to you and your family. Really enjoyed her blog posts. I am sure she realized what a wonderful caring daughter she had and now we do too!
I'm so sorry to read this. Your mom always had a kind comment or positive suggestion when she responded to,blogs or message boards. Her caring spirit just came through.
Kind thoughts and prayers for you and your family.
This is sad news, My thoughts are with you and your family.
Rose in SV
I am so sorry , I will miss her kind and helpful comments and her lovely work. I'll keep you and your family in my prayers.
I am so sorry and your family has my deepest sympathies. Your mom always had such nice comments on my blog and I enjoyed her posts so much. I was just thinking about her this week and wondering how the house was coming. Once again, I am so sorry for your loss.
Gwen was a wonderful friend and a sweet, talented, joyful, and thoughtful lady in all the groups we shared together. I will miss her so much. Colette, if there is anything we, the members of Designer Group, can do to help you or your dad, please let me know.
I am sorry for your loss. This was the first time I read your mothers blog. I went through older post in order to get to know her, Both of you will be in my prayer.
Oh I am so sorry to hear this Colette. Gwen always posted such nice comments about my sewing and was so kind to me when I was doing poorly myself. May she be at peace and enjoy everlasting life in heaven.
Thank you so much for letting us know about your Mom and I'm so sorry for your loss.
I also hope that while you set up the house she talked about that you feel her presence close to you, enveloping you and loving you. I know this is a hard time for you but I truly appreciate that you took this time to share with us and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.
I am so sorry for your loss...your mom and your family will be in my prayers!
Thank you so much for letting us know.
Gwen has had an enormous, positive effect upon me since 2007. I'm absolutely heartbroken to know that one of my most beloved inspirations and internet friends has passed.
Please forgive me, but I have shared this dark news on the forum we met, Stitchers Guild , http://artisanssquare.com/sg/index.php/topic,21620.new.html#new
Gwen, I'll meet you in stitchers heaven. Until then,
I am so sorry to hear of great loss to our world. I have enjoyed reading your mum's blogs and her comments. May she rest in peace.
I am so sorry for your loss. I will miss your mom's wonderful comments and beautiful work. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this difficult time.
I'm so sorry to hear this sad news. Take care.
I am so sorry to hear of your loss.
I am so sorry. Gwen's passing is a loss to her family in life and to her cyber-friends. She was a beautiful person and will be missed. Thank you, Colette, for making a posting here.
JoyceP in Wisconsin
Colette, I am so sorry for your loss. My prayers are with you and your family for help thru this sad time. Also sad for our (her Blog followers) loss, we all will be missing your mom's wonderful creations, tips and recommendations during her so enjoyable blog posts. And, her spirited view of life. Yes, she will probably be blinging up heaven.
Oh, I'm so very sorry, Colette. I enjoyed this blog, her creativity and her gentle ways and her experienced voice at Stitchers Guilde. It's beyond so painful when we lose our Moms .. the first person we think of when there's something to share.
There's nothing that will fill that hole in our hearts. We hold onto and find peace in the memories, trust in God, and the miraculous powers of prayer and time.
I'm sure so many of her special qualities were passed on to you and others in your family, and that you were blessed with much wisdom and life guidance at her knee. Even your name is so lovely. She certainly had quite her own brand of panache and creative style.
I'm glad to hear that you will be finishing up her grand plan for the new house. God bless you .. that's so endearing. It sounded like a project she was so looking forward to doing. I'm sure she left you with all the insight you'll need to do her plans proud and an end result that will be such a loving tribute to her.
For you, your Dad and family: please know you have my sincere condolences and prayers that God holds you all in the palm of His hand and blesses you with peace in the days ahead.
Your mother's blog was on of the first blogs I started reading. I was a fan of All my Children stumbled across her blog. I am sorry for you and your family. Your mom had a quick wit and I loved her skills. Please take care of yourself and your family. All good thoughts being sent to you. All the best, Susan
Colette, thank you for letting us know. I always enjoyed your mums posts and would have loved to meet her, she seemed like a lovely lady.
My deepest sympathy to you and your family - Vale Gwen!
Dear Colette,
Mt heart and prayers go out to you. Thank you for letting us know. Your Mom was a dear soul and I considered her a friend although we only knew each other through our blogs. She will be missed.
I loved reading Gwen's blog and was hoping she would get to enjoy her lovely new sewing room
all the very best to you and your Dad and the rest of your family.
Gwen was a real kindred spirit to many of us in sewing land.XX
I am so so sorry, Colette. This is such a shock to me. Your mother was one very special lady with a vibrant personality. She will be greatly missed.
I am so sorry for your loss. Your Mum will be greatly missed by all her sewing friends.
Oh, I'm so very sorry to hear this. I hope you can feel your mother's love as you finish working on her vision for the house. g
My heart goes out to you and your family. My mom died 18 months ago. How wonderful that you will fulfill her dream of her new sewing room with the great view. I am sure she will be present in that room with your dad working on his planes. I will miss her blog and her posts on sewing guild. I loved her sense of humor and will miss her dearly.
Debbie S
So sorry to hear about yor Mom! What a sweet lady!
Heartfelt sympathy to you and your Dad! From Judi in South Dakota.
Please accept my sincere condolences upon the passing away of your mother. May the memories you and your father share of your time with her be comforting in the days to come. I'm so sorry to hear about her passing away. She was a wonderful gal.
Oh I'm so sorry to hear of your Mother's passing. She was a talented woman and will be greatly missed in our Stitcher's Guild sewing community.
Goodby Gwen. Rest in peace. Thank you for your inspirations.
Dear Colette,
the very best for you and your family during the next sad time.
Colette, I am deeply sadden by your loss. My thoughts are with you. Your mother was such a kind hearted woman, always helping others via these blogs - Gwen was such a special lady, as I am sure you already knew. Your mother will be greatly missed my hundreds around the world...J
Colette, thank you for letting us know. I'm so sorry that your parents didn't get to move into the new home thay had great plans for. All the best, Anne from Denmark.
Colette, I am so sorry to learn of your Mom's passing. I feel so sad as I have lost a dear sewing friend. It was always nice to get a response from her regarding an item sewn and shown on my blog. I loved seeing her creations very much. Thoughts and prayers are with you and your Dad.
I'm so very sorry Colette. I hope your mom is at peace now, and that you and your family will find comfort in time. Your mother was so kind-hearted and generous and brightened my days with her inspiring posts and encouraging comments. She will be greatly missed.
I am so sorry to hear that Gwen is no longer with us. She was a funny and warm person, and I very much enjoyed reading the parts of her life and her craft that she shared with us so generously.
Vale Gwen.
I am so sorry for your loss. I loved reading your mom's posts. My thoughts are with you and your family.
I'll miss you, Gwen. Thanks for sharing through your blog. I'm so glad you have a lovely daughter to carry on for you.
COndolences to you and your father . Your mother`s blog was one of the first I read - she was very creative and a fantastic sewist.
My heart is truly saddened at hearing this, and my prayers are with her family in this difficult time. Gwen was one of my internet sewing teachers, and I quickly came to think of her as my internet friend. She was so nice, patient and gave so freely that I often wished I lived next door to her. We emailed back and forth whenever I had a sewing problem. Whenever I make a pair of pants, I will forever think about her. I fully credit her for teaching me how to get rid of front wrinkles. She truly must have been an adorable woman, she was my wonderful internet friend.
Dear Colette, I am so sorry to read of your dear Mom's passing. I so enjoyed reading her posts, and was always encouraged by her enthusiasm and love for the needle arts. And judging by what I saw of her work, she was a wonderful, wonderful sewist. God Bless you, Gwen and may the Lord look after and keep your family in his loving care.
I am so so sad to hear this. I am very sorry for you loss and the suffering your mom must have endured. Bless you and you family.
Your mom was one of my must reads. Her garments were beautiful and she was a delight to read. I looked forward to seeing how she was going to "re-do" her lovely new home and sewing space. Again, I am so so sorry.
I am so sorry to hear of your mother's passing. I often used her blog links to other blogs and read her posts and was wondering about her and the new house the other day and her health issues so thank you for letting us know. I have been reading some of her older blog posts again before you take it down as she had some excellent information and projects being such a good seamstress.Your loss is very great. Please know that you have all our condolences. Many of us feel we have lost a true sewing friend as well.May God bless and comfort you and all your family.
I am so sorry for you and your family's loss. Your mom was never afraid of taking on a major project in sewing or house redoing. I will miss her sewing inspiration and upbeat writing. You have my sincerest condolences.
Thank you for letting us know and I add my sympathies for your loss. Your Mom did beautiful work and was such a knowledgable sewist. Her voice will be missed.
Best wishes to you and your family through this dark time.
So sorry for your loss. Your mom's work was beautiful and she will be missed...
So sad to hear of your Loss and may her memories keep you and your family strong. Gwen will truly be missed. Thanks for sharing and take care.
I am so sorry to read this. When I was a beginning blogger your mother never failed to make a kind and encouraging comment. And, I enjoyed watching what she was working on as well. She was a very talented lady -- I particularly remember a beaded evening bag that she did about a year or so ago. She seemed very excited about her new home. Please know that she touched many lives in such a good way. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
I am so sorry to hear this. I am so sorry for your loss. I was only a sometimes commenter but I really loved her posts and was looking forward to hearing about the house. It's lovely that you know her vision and will follow it through. Thank you for letting us know.
This is sad news. Your mom became my cyber sewing partner when I was working on fitting a pant. We communicated via blog and e-mail. I am going to miss her. Please know that all of us in blog land are praying for you and your family. My sincer condolences.
I am so sorry for your loss and pray the God comforts your family through this tough time. I enjoyed following an reading your mom's blog and looked forward to seeing her new sewing room. God bless you for bringing her dream to pass.
I'm so sorry to hear of your mother's passing. She and your whole family are in my prayers.
I'm so very sorry to hear of Gwen's passing. I had just checked in on AllMySeams this past week to see if there was anything I might have missed. I happen to know we were the same age and it saddens me to think that Our Lord needed to call her home so soon. She will be missed in Sewing Blogland. God bless you and all your family.
My thoughts are with you and your family. Hugs,
I am so sorry to hear about your mom. She was such a special friend to me as we emailed each other several times.
You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers at this time.
Hugs to you and your family. I so much enjoyed your Mom's blog and it was easy to see what kind of person she was -- kind, warm, generous and loving.
I followed your Mom for years. She was a sweet lady. My thoughts and prayers are with your family. She will be missed.
So sorry to hear that your mom has passed away! Gwen was an inspiration and will continue to be.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family!
May the Lord hold you and your family on every leaning side. She will be missed. Be encouraged and always cherish the memories that you both shared.
Prayers to your family. Gwen was such an inspiration. I remember a butterick jacket she made - I loved the pattern and made many. She did have a talent for 'seeing' how things would go together. She will be missed.
Thank you for your post and letting us know what has happened. My deepest sympathies for your family. Gwen's writing was something I always looked forward to reading. I will miss her, and so will many, many others who never meet her. Peace and prayers for your family.
Thank you for posting and letting us know what happened. I loved reading her blog and she will be missed. My dad passed away with the same disease and I know how difficult it must have been for her.
It's a shame that she will never get to work in her new studio. My deepest sympathy for you and your family.
Colette: I and saddened and stunned to hear of your mother's death. She was a very talented and generous sewer. She will be dearly missed not only at the local groups she belonged to, but all over the online world. God be with you, your dad and family.
I have thought of your Mother so many times the last few weeks and wondered how the new house was coming along. I, like so many here, am so sorry to read this news and my heart goes out to you, Colette, and to all that loved her. She was special, but you know that. I will miss her posts.
Rest peacefully Mrs. Gwen your father and family are in my prayers. This brought me to tears this morning.
I enjoyed reading Gwen's blog and she left encouraging comments on my blog. My sincere condolences to the family. My prayers are with you all.
My condolences to you and your family
I am so sorry to hear such a sad news. Thanks so much to let us know..God be with you and your family.
I am so sorry you've lost your mom. She touched so many people and we all will miss her. My condolences to you and your family. I think it's wonderful that you are going to carry on her vision for her new home.
My heart goes out to you. Your mom will be missed. My condolences to you and your family.
Colette, I am so very sorry for your loss. Even though my only contact with your mother was through cyberspace, I really enjoyed corresponding with her when I was blogging on a regular basis. She was a kind-hearted, talented woman who will be greatly missed.
She will be missed. Our deepest sympathy for you and your family. Thank you for Your post letting us know.
So sad to hear this news....you have my deepest sympathy! Over the years you really bond with your sewing friends in blog land! She always had a kind word and encoraging messages. Peaceful repose to my dear sewing friend, Gwen! She's probably making beautiful robes for her fellow angels!
my sympathy for your loss, your mom was so positive and left the nicest comments - what a great contribution she made to our sewing community. she will be missed.
My sincere condolences. Treasure your memories.
So sorry to hear about your mother. As many others have posted, she seemed like a friend although we had never met in person. Heaven is a happier place today with her. I hope that your memories will comfort your family through the grieving process.
I am so very sorry for your loss. I loved to read you mother's blog and her posts on stitchers guild. I will miss her, she was a great lady.
This is sad to hear. My thoughts are with you and your family. I always enjoyed visiting Gwen's blog.
Whilst scrolling down the comments to leave my own one of empathy with you - I realised how admired and loved your Mother was that so many people have read this said news and wanted to send their sympathies and thoughts and there are other countless others who haven't commented but will feel the loss. My thoughts are with you, your father and your family.
I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers to you and your family.
So sorry for your loss, thank you for taking the time to let us know.
She will be truly missed, she touched many lives.
Thank you for being so thoughtful to let us know. Your Mom was a friend I felt I really knew, through Stitcher's Guild and both of our blogs. I was always pleased when she commented, and it was always pertinent and gracious. I am so sorry for your loss.
How sad for you to lose your mother! Thank you for posting this announcement. She will be missed both here on her blog and on Stitcher's Guild.
I am so sorry to hear of your loss and wish you every support in carrying forward on the projects your mother was intent on completing. It's kind of you to let her virtual community know, especially so soon after losing her.
Elizabeth C.
I'm so sorry for your loss. Your mother will be missed. Sending prayers and hugs to you and your family.
My condolences on your loss. Your mother was always a positive force on so many sewing blogs and sites.
I call the Light forward for the highest good for you and your family.
Love and Light
I'm so sorry for your loss, Collette. She will be missed. Your mom was such a sweet lady, she always had such encouraging comments. My prayers and sympathies to you and your Dad.
I am sorry for your loss, your mom was an inspiration.
I am so sorry for your loss. I knew you mom from CCC and she was a wonderful and kind person. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Oh Colette, I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. I read your post this morning and I cried. She was one of my favorite sewing bloggers. Your mom was so sweet to me and a huge sewing cheerleader of mine. Whenever I'd write a weekend post, your mom commented early on Sun or Mon morning like clockwork. I searched for "gwensews" in my email and there were 210 messages, of her commenting on my blog and me responding. Her first comment ever on my blog was in Jan 27, 2010 and her last was July 29 of this year. She was also a fan of my cooking pictures--especially the vegetarian soups! And she was really sympathetic to my health issues. I never met her in person--I asked if she wanted to go to the ASE and she said it was too hard to get off the island. Just this past weekend I emailed her to see if she wanted to meet up at the ASE because she had moved. She inspired me to make the Santa bag! You are right, your mom was a huge fan of embellishment--may she bling on. I miss her posts and I miss her. Peace.
As much as all of us in cyberspace will miss her I know it is nothing compared to your loss. She inspired us and we will miss her. Thank you for making the effort to wrap this up for her. . . and for us. Blessing to you and your family.
Colette, I am so sorry for your loss. While I never met your mother, but she was always so supportive of my sewing projects. She was incredibly generous with her praise and encouragement on everything I created. I considered her a friend even though we did not meet in real life. What a great lady. Many prayers for your family, Colettte!
Colette, I am so very sorry for your loss. Your mom was an amazing lady, always having a kind word of encouragement and cheer when posting a comment or answering a question. I enjoyed boo-hooing about the Michigan weather with her, being a Michigan native myself. Thank you for letting us all know and allowing us to share our condolences with you. I'll keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers, and hope to have a new angel looking over my shoulder in the sewing room.
She will be greatly missed, I have been going over and over through her past post and reminding myself how such an inspiration she was.. I am so sorry for your loss and I pray she rests in perfect peace.
I have been wondering about your mother the last week or so - I am very sad to hear about your loss. I knew Gwen had respiratory problems, but not what type. Thank you so much for letting us all know, thoughts and prayers sent.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and the rest of your family. We will all miss Gwen more than words can express... I remember the first time she commented on my blog and the day she told me she was starting her own blog and so many other moments over the last few years... She was a very special woman with an amazing spirit and heart. <3
I am so sorry to hear this. The sewing community will miss her sweet, gentle and supportive presence. There was/is no one like her.
Your mother was a lovely woman in every way and she will be greatly missed.
I came across your post by chance, and I am so sorry. I lost my mother just over a year ago and it is very hard, but in the end you will find a way through. You will never forget her and you will find she is always with you.
My God, I'm sorry to hear this sad news. Gwen left some comments on my blog when I was starting and she was always friendly and constructive. A great loss.
Thank you for letting us know. My sympathies to you and your family.
Oh my gosh.....I am so sorry for your loss. Your Mom and I had never met, but "talked" with each other several times through blog postings. Living in Richmond, MI, I was hoping for a chance to meet her in person some day. May she rest in peace.
With sympathies,
Patty Pozolo
I am sorry for your loss. She will be so missed by all of us who love her blog and her caring, sharing ways.
God bless you.
I am so sorry to hear this. I hope sweet memories are the Balm in Gilead for the pain of your loss.
I'm so sorry to hear about Gwen. She was a kind lady - always first to post a generous comment on my blog. I wish you long life.
I am so very sorry that you - and all of us - have lost Gwen. What a dear lady. Thank you so much, Colette, for letting us know. My prayers and thoughts are with you and all of the family and folks missing Gwen. Coco
I'm so sorry. Both for the loved ones she leaves behind, but also for the sewing community. When I was a new sewist, there was more than one time when your mom's comments of encouragement on a tough project or technique truly helped me.
I'm so sorry for your loss. Your mom was a wonderful lady.
Oh my. My heart and prayers go out to your family! I have loved following along with your mom's sewing. I remember I was so thrilled when I say Gwen was following my blog as I had been an avid reader of hers. Sending you lots of love!
Colette. Sorry to hear of your Mum's passing. She was a very creative lady and it's great that you both had the chance to discuss her vision for your parents home. I will you and your Dad lots of love.
Oh, Colette, I am so very sorry for you and your family. Your mother was so very kind, encouraging and creative. We both went through moves together in the past year and she was a bright spot for me when I was s tressed and worried. I will miss her and blog so very much. We never met in person but we met in our hearts. My deepest sympathies to all of you.
I will miss her comments. She always took time to write her appreciation of other's work.
Sympathy prayers.
I'm so sorry about your mother... I've lost mine too and truly understand the loss. It does get a bit easier with time... I'm praying for comfort for you.
How sorry to hear this, thank you for taking the time to write here and letting us know. Your mother was a regular supportive commenter on my blog and I loved to read her posts and see all she made. My condolences to you and your family.
I'm sorry, I'll always remember.
Why don't you let it live that we can go on poping in and see again what she did ? Thank you.
I am so sorry for your loss. Your mother was such a creative inspiration and supportive of so many of us in the blogging world. She will be greatly missed. My condolences to you and your family.
Colette, thank you for taking the time to let us know. As everyone else has said, we will miss your mom's posts and seeing her wonderful creations. Peace be with you and your family.
I was just introduced to this site and send my sympathies. I hope to read thru the posts before you close it down. Celebrate the life your Mom lived and hold your memories close.
I am so sorry for your loss. I pray God is comforting you and your family as you adjust. I never met your mother, but i loved reading her posts, she had such a positive approach to every challenge. Thank you for letting us know.
So sorry for your loss of one wonderful lady. I got to know Gwen through her posts and comments on other blogs, and feel like I lost a close friend.
I don't mean to sound selfish, but would it be difficult to leave Gwen's blog up as a tribute to her fine work? So we could check on problems she had answers for? I realize blogs are a lot of work, but could you leave 'All My Seams' up and just not post...that is what 'Lindsay T Sews' has done; stopped blogging but left her blog up so it could be still be accessed. I stumbled on your mom's blog looking for problem answers and remained a constant reader. Thank you for your consideration. And again, I will be missing your mom very much.
Hi Colette,
I'm so, so sorry for your loss - what terrible news to have to share. Your mum was a very active member of the online sewing community, taking the time to blog, comment and encourage fellow sewists around the world. She had a lot of virtual friends, and we'll miss her!
Hello Colette,
Iam so sorry for your mum ,she was so happy with her family,the new house and always new projects in mind.It is so kind of you tou take time to inform us.I am sur you are the best daughter that your mum wanted to have.I hope you'll continue like her,to make her living again near you and your familly.
Virtuals friens have a heart,and we'll miss her!
Hello Colette,
Thank you so much for letting us know about your wonderful mum. I am one of the many virtual friends she had and she will be missed. My sincerest condolences to you and your family.
So sorry about your loss and my condolences to you and the rest of your family. I had just discovered your mom's blog and was really looking forward to seeing the new sewing area she had wrote about as well as learning more sewing techniques from her. I will pray for you and your family. Could you keep the blog online so I can print out some of her sewing advice?
Oh my God! Just dropped by to check-in and now saddened by this news! Thank you, Colette, for letting us know. My deepest condolences to you and your family- Gwen was a dear heart and always made others feel important. When I began blogging, she was one of the first to start following my blog and even encouraged.
I am so sorry for your loss, but I thank you very much for leaving the blog up. I went all the way through it and I am so inspired by your mother's work. Your mother is free at last now.
My deepest sympathy! Gwen was such an inspiration. May she rest in peace.
I am so sorry for you and your family. Your mom was someone who continually commented on my blog posts when few other people did and it really meant a lot to me. Thank you so much for letting all her blog friends know.
You have my sympathy and prayers
I was just looking over old posts. You'll be missed, Gwen!
Good bye Gwen, thank you for sharing all that you did. You will be missed.
Thank you for letting us know. I'm sorry for your loss. I miss Gwen. She was an inspiration to me and many others.
I am so very sorry for your loss. I spent Sunday visiting your Mom by rereading her entire blog. Your mom is/was a a lovely woman and so talented. What a gift you have of all her blog posts to revisit, I wish my Mom had left behind something like this for me. Give my love to your whole family, you are all in my prayers. ♥
I am so sorry for your loss. She was so kind in her comments on my blog and I enjoyed reading about her thoughts and creations here on her blog. She will truly be missed by so many. My thoughts are with you and your family.
Oh I am so sorry, I kept coming back to your mum's last post to see how the new home was progressing and thought she was not posting because of being busy.
My thoughts go out to your family.
Oh I am so sorry, I kept coming back to your mum's last post to see how the new home was progressing and thought she was not posting because of being busy.
My thoughts go out to your family.
So very sorry for your loss. I would peak in on her blog from time to time, she was truely a talented lady and I will miss her. God bless you and your family.
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I found your Mum's sewing projects inspirational. Your wish to carry on the work in the new home will, I am sure, will give you joy. Gwen was so keen to make the new place just right and I'm sure that you will.
Kind regards at this difficult time, and for the future,
Gwen Edwin.
I am so sorry to hear of your mom's passing. She was a joy to read...I gained much from her.
I left a comment already, but I really hope you decide to leave your mom's blog up, if that is possible. We all remember her so fondly, though we never met in person.
I will really miss your mother's blog posts, I so enjoyed them. She inspired me to try things I might not ever have tempted. It would be really nice if you decided to leave her blog up so we could still share in her great inspirations.
I've read your mother's posts over the years but never commented. I wish I had. Her wonderful personality and wisdom came through her blog so strongly. A very great loss.
Colette, I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Gwen was a wonderful member of the sewing community and she will be greatly missed. My thoughts are with you and your family at this time.
I am so glad to have known Gwen through her blog. She was so very warm and incredibly welcoming when I asked her about the sewing groups in our area. She was truly a mentor to so many bloggers. Her talents made the world a more beautiful place. My prayers are going up for your family. Thank you for your thoughtful post to let us know about your mom and your plans to honor her.
I am so glad to have known Gwen through her blog. She was so very warm and incredibly welcoming when I asked her about the sewing groups in our area. She was truly a mentor to so many bloggers. Her talents made the world a more beautiful place. My prayers are going up for your family. Thank you for your thoughtful post to let us know about your mom and your plans to honor her.
tI am broken hearted as well. Gwen was a great inspiration to me as well. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Light 'em Gwen!
So sorry to hear this. Your mother was one of the first to comment on my blog and kept doing so through the years, which made her special to me. So many people enjoyed her kindness and great sewing-knowledge. She will be missed. My condolences to you and your family.
So very sorry for your loss. Prayers to you and your family.
I'm so sorry for your loss, Colette. I'm glad to have known your mother through her blog and she inspired me many times.
I am so sorry to hear about your Mom. She was always so positive in her comments and her posts. What a sad loss.
Sorry to hear of your loss. My prayers go out to you and your family. I can't say I was an active follower of your mom's blog. However, I can say, I know what it is like to lose a parent. May God keep you and comfort you during this time and in the future.
I am so sad to hear about Gwen. She mentored me as a new quilter in the 80s and I worked with her at Heritage Square Quilt Shop in New Baltimore. I loved and respected her. Please accept my prayers.
Oh Collette - Your lovely mum will be missed by me and many many others, as the comments before me show. She was a gem and most certainly will be blinging it up up there. I am so very sorry for your loss.
I wish you much peace and comfort.
What a lovely tribute you have given. Peace to you.
Condolences to you, your father and your family. What a beautiful tribute to your mother that you intend to carry out her vision for the new home.
I'm so sorry about your Mom. I will miss this lovely lady's blog.
Condolences to you and your family.
I'm sorry to hear the news about your Mother. I always looked forward to an update from her and felt her warm and down to earth spirit through the "wires". I know you will get a dose of comfort helping to see her vision through. May God bless you.
Thank you for including your mother's blog family in your closure need-to-know list! A truly lovely deed!
Colette, you and your family were in my thoughts during Thanksgiving. I will be researching the blog for ideas for Christmas bling, thanks to Gwen. Best wishes for the Holiday season.
I stopped by to say hello to an old sewing friend after not blogging for a while and was completely caught off guard. May God bless your family and Gwen's spunk and sass will stay with me always!
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